Alan and Lucy made a pledge to establish the Lucy and Alan Wright Family Scholarship in Landscape Architecture, to benefit undergraduates with superior academic records and demonstrated financial need.

JR Holley works with Stewartstown Borough
A Class A biosolids process keeps Stewartstown (Pa.) operations simple — and keeps area farmers coming back for more
Almost everything about the Stewartstown Borough Wastewater Treatment Plant speaks to its diminutive size. Though located on 20+ acres, the plant itself occupies less than an acre.
It’s designed for 740,000 gpd and is permitted for only 625,000 gpd. And when the plant was expanded in 2007, the cost was a modest $4.2 million. But what the plant lacks in size, capacity and cost, it makes up for in performance.
In fact, since the expansion, the facility has dramatically improved the quality of effluent discharged to Ebaugh Creek. Ammonia levels which once repeatedly exceeded 7 mg/l, are now routinely less than 1 mg/l, and total nitrogen levels, previously estimated at 25 mg/l, have been reduced to less than 6 mg/l.